PT. Karya Andalan Mandiri Jaya - Industrial Pump Solution

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Grundfos Pumps Water Treatment

Grundfos Pumps Water Treatment Overview

Even with Grundfos Pumps Water Treatment a good water source, Grundfos Pumps Water Treatment should be considered to ensure a good water quality. Grundfos Pumps Water Treatment describes those processes used to make water more acceptable for a desired end-use and to ensure that stringent quality standards to the consumer are maintained. Grundfos can supply pumping solutions for solids separation using mechanical treatments such as settling and filtration, dosing solutions for chemical treatments such as disinfection and coagulation.

For example, dissolved substances that are removed during drinking Grundfos Pumps Water Treatment include calcium and magnesium from hard water, sulphur and carbon dioxide from acid water, iron from red water, manganese from brownish-black water, nitrate from fertiliser-contaminated water, hydrogen sulphide gas from rotten-egg smelling water, and sediments and organic matter from turbid water, where minerals may also be dissolved in high concentrations. Other desired end-uses for water could be for industrial processes or medical use.

Grundfos Pumps Water Treatment systems range from submersibles to end-suction pumps and huge split-case pumps as well as our highly successful vertical multistage centrifugal pump (CR). Grundfos Pumps Water Treatment Our complete range of dosing pump systems are for large or small volumes and based on different technologies; electronic and electrochemical accessories offer complete control; and PLC-controlled, fully automatic systems for dry material preparation and reliable dosing.

The sustainability of Grundfos Pumps water treatment solutions requires that the pumping solution is durable, ensuring cost effective and trouble-free operation. Grundfos has decades of experience developing controller and monitoring systems for pumping solutions and manufactures its own pump motors for all fluid types and flow requirements.

External frequency converters (CUE) for variable speed drives and motor protection (MP204) to monitor motor conditions ensure optimal adaptation to changing conditions. This ensures a perfect match with hydraulics, motors, electrics, and all other mechanical components Grundfos Pumps Water Treatment that make up a comprehensive pumping solution, ensuring the best possible efficiency point.

Grundfos Pumps Water Treatment solutions are designed specifically for pumping installations and all the components are fully integrated from the outset. Life Cycle Cost analyses have shown how this seemingly complex and costly process results in tangible benefits for owners. Grundfos Pumps Water Treatment commissioning agreements ensure correct installation and service agreements cover all eventualities, from routine maintenance to spare parts and pump audits.

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